Bayside Blog
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We’re here to help you learn how to best look after your pet.
Why Are Cat Bites Dangerous
Read moreCat bites might seem harmless, especially from our beloved pets. However, these bites can lead to severe complications if not treated promptly. Understanding the dangers of cat bites is crucial for ensuring your health and safety. This article delves into why cat bites are dangerous, the importance of immediate treatment, and how to prevent such incidents.
Signs & Symptoms Of Arthritis In Dogs
Read moreArthritis is a common condition affecting many dogs, especially as they age. Just like in humans, dog arthritis can significantly impact their quality of life. The condition typically develops over time due to the natural aging process, but it can also result from other factors such as injury, obesity, or genetic predisposition.
Understanding the signs and symptoms of arthritis in dogs is crucial for providing them with the best care possible. At Bayside Vets Australia, we are dedicated to helping pet owners recognise and manage this condition to ensure their furry friends live comfortable and happy lives.Chocolate Toxicity In Dogs
Read moreIn this guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind chocolate’s toxicity to dogs. Plus the types of chocolate that are most dangerous, the symptoms of chocolate poisoning, and what to do if your dog ingests this forbidden treat.
Ultimate Guide To Puppy Preschool
Read moreThe thought of taking your curious football to a place filled with many others does sound cute. But Puppy Preschool is never a luxury–it’s a crucial period for them to learn how to be comfortable with their surroundings to become well-adjusted adults!